Stage, Screen, and now VO!


The acting world is changing and adapting around us. People are shut in at home, but that doesn’t mean an end to acting altogether, and VO is one of the ways we are still working.

Earlier this year, I cut together a couple of voice reels; the first is for animation, and the second is for narration.

As a gamer and an actor interested in working in video games, I didn’t feel that my animation reel would really cover the kind of voice work required for video games. Animation work is more often about creating fun characters based on age, personality, moral stance, and quirks, so I created a narration reel to show a more contrasted, human approach to character work. On that reel, I included a reading of Jane Eyre in Received Pronunciation as well as a Shakespeare sample read in the character of Jackie Kennedy.

I had a wonderful time creating these reels and look forward to doing more VO in the coming years. Enjoy!

Acting, NewsCasey McKinnon