Why you should watch and re-watch Twin Peaks


Above photo courtesy of James Hall

I first caught Twin Peaks reruns on Showcase in the mid-nineties, then I re-watched it in 2005 on DVD, and now I'm watching it all over again this year on Netflix. Every single time I've seen it, my mind has been BLOWN. The mystery, the characters, the writing, the directing, and the acting is all on a level of brilliance.

Many people have been asking me over Twitter whether the show is really that great since it was cancelled after the second season. The answer is yes, it is worth your time. The series was and still is a work of art. Incredibly fun and f*cked up art.

The mystery and supernatural journey surrounding the death of Laura Palmer is legendary, and this should be your reason for watching (and re-watching) the show. Once the mystery is solved (about halfway through season 2), you can easily clock out... and many people did. In fact, in the episode that closes up that storyline, you really do feel like it's a series finale; all ends are tied up beautifully.

But even then, after that storyline has finished, you still haven't seen everything there is to see! I mean, why stop there when you can see more appearances by Michael Parks (my favorite part of Kill Bill), David Lynch himself, Heather Graham, Ted Raimi, and David Duchovny! And in addition to all of that, the second season finale is a cliffhanger that will freak you the F*CK out (in a good way).

It is rare to see a show so layered and wonderful as Twin Peaks. There is a reason this show is considered a cult classic, so stop putting it off and add it to your Netflix queue. You can thank me later. ;)

PS: If the above five paragraphs haven't yet convinced you to watch Twin Peaks, here are a few more reasons:

  • Alicia Witt (Alia from Dune) plays a mean piano while Ray Wise sings and dances before falling to pieces. Literally.
  • David Lynch's son Austin shows up as a magician and is the creepiest little kid ever!
  • Peter Dinklage may have won a Golden Globe and an Emmy for Game of Thrones, but Michael J. Anderson can talk backwards and dance like a boss!
  • It's Emily and Zooey Deschanel's mom Mary Jo is in it!
  • The scene where Audrey Horne (played by Sherilyn Fenn) works to convince a whorehouse madame to take her on.
PersonalCasey McKinnon