Musical Chairs: Running For a Seat on the IAWTV Board of Directors

Photo courtesy of Jax House (CC-BY-SA)

The IAWTV is holding an election for six seats on the board of directors. I am pleased to announce that someone threw my name in the hat, and I've accepted the nomination with the following statement:

Thank you for considering me for a seat on the board of directors. As many of you know, I’m an international member (from Canada) whose been working in the web series field for over five years. I’m passionate about the issues we face and like to share my experience to help the community. Aside from my web productions, I have also written about my experience in the web TV industry for The Guardian, spoken on numerous panels in Canada and the US, judged the Canadian New Media Awards, and helped new community members with questions coming into our industry.

As a member of the IAWTV I have been helping the Awards Committee to come up with smart new ideas on how to further the “international” component of our organization; making sure whatever event we throw, we make it as inclusive and global as possible. I’d like these international ideals to apply to everything the IAWTV does, so people outside of Los Angeles and New York can reap the benefits of the organization. We can use technology and the web, two things we already know a lot about, as a tool to bring us closer together and further our collective goals.

Feel free to contact me with any questions, or see my biography or resume for details on my background and vision.

Thanks to whoever nominated me, I appreciate the vote of confidence! Now... may the best candidates win! ;)

News, PersonalCasey McKinnon