A new season for A Comicbook Orange!

Find us elsewhere on the web: http://www.acomicbookorange.com http://twitter.com/comicbookorange http://facebook.com/acomicbookorange On the season four premiere of A Comicbook Orange we interview Surrogates' creator Robert Venditti, review Underground from Image Comics, and introduce new segment "Pop Reviews" with quick reviews of DC's Wednesday Comics, Marvel's Astonishing X-Men, and Dark Horse's Zero Killer!

I launched the first episode of season 4 of A Comicbook Orange last week and what a week! We have a new segment called "Pop Reviews" with 3 brief reviews that come after the featured in-depth review. We had a lot of feedback last season from fans who were sad that the show went from having three reviews to just one, so this was our way of buffing up the show without killing ourselves with all the added work (it's still a lot of work to do for free... but we just want to make a good quality show). So far the fans are liking the segment :D

We were featured on YouTube this week (thanks, Mark!) and later got an invitation to join the partner program... w00t! We already have a partnered channel on YouTube for Galacticast, so it'll be a nice wee bonus to get a second check. Onward and upward!

Aside from that, we're wheeling and dealing on the back end... I sometimes wonder if I'll see the sun again. Someday...