The Elfpocalypse will be Web-Televised


Remember when vampires and zombies were the big thing and everyone was wondering what's next? A lot of people thought werewolves would get big, and some even jokingly predicted mummies, but a couple of weeks ago we wrapped on our ElfQuest fan trailer shoot and a few days later my friend Felicia Day announced her next web series, Dragon Age: Redemption, in which she plays a badass knife-wielding elf!

I was never a huge elf enthusiast, but as a former Pixie (a Brownie in the Girl Guides, to be precise), and a girl obsessed with fairies after reading A Midsummer Night's Dream in grade 8, I have to say that I'm pretty excited about the whole thing.

Our ElfQuest fan trailer should be online in early April, so until then be sure to check out all the great behind the scenes photos on Facebook and Flickr. I've also heard that G4TV's Attack of the Show will be showing some behind the scenes footage and interviews on an upcoming show, so I'll try to keep you updated on that.

And for other elven awesomeness, check out Felicia's Dragon Age: Redemption photos on Flickr and her behind the scenes interview that aired on X-Play last week. The web series is set to launch in August.

So, whether it's our upward pointing ElfQuest ears, or Felicia's backfacing Dragon Age ears, prepare yourself for the impending Elfpocalypse!